Dot matrix printing
Ballistic wire printer; 9-pin dot matrix; Dot-matrix printers; Ballistic wire printers; LA180; LA120; LA34; LA38; LA12; LA75; Matrix printer; Impact matrix printer; Dot band matrix printer; Serial dot matrix printer; Pin printer; Dot Matrix Printer; Serial matrix printer; NEC Pinwriter; Pinwriter; Near Letter Quality; Graftrax; GRAFTRAX; Epson GRAFTRAX; GRAFTRAX-80; Graftrax-80; Epson Graftrax; Epson Graftrax-80; Epson GRAFTRAX-80; Graftrax Plus; Epson Graftrax Plus; Color serial matrix printer; Serial matrix color printer; OKI Wiredot; Wiredot; Needle impact printer; Teletype writer 7 stylus 35 dot matrix; Dot matrix teletypewriter; Impact dot matrix printing; Impact matrix printing; Impact dot matrix printer; Flatbed dot matrix printer; Serial impact dot matrix printer; SIDM printer; PKT printer; Decwriter LA30; LA30 DECwriter; LA30 decwriter; DEC LA30; 7-pin dot matrix; Seven-pin dot matrix; 8-pin dot matrix; Eight-pin dot matrix; Nine-pin dot matrix; 12-pin dot matrix; Twelve-pin dot matrix; Eighteen-pin dot matrix; 18-pin dot matrix; 27-pin dot matrix; 24-pin dot matrix; 36-pin dot matrix; 48-pin dot matrix; Dot-matrix impact printing
Dot matrix printing, sometimes called impact matrix printing, is a computer printing process in which ink is applied to a surface using a relatively low-resolution dot matrix for layout. Dot matrix printers typically use a print head that moves back and forth or in an up-and-down motion on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter or line printer.